Human Resources
Our Human Resources policy consists of employing qualified manpower in direction of our Company’s targets and strategies, developping an effective and motivated organization by supplying satisfaction for employees with proactive human resources applications, supporting personal improvement by constant trainings and making our Company a discriminating establishment in the sector.
Choosing and Recruitment
Choosing human resources described by work plans of our Company are done by direct job applications and by channels of consulting establishments and daily ads
Orientation Program
Orientation programs are applied for recruited personel in order to make them informed of our corporate culture and organization structure.
Assessment of Performance
By Individual Performance Assessment that is performed end of each year targets of next year are defined and personal development plans are made. The results of the assessments reflect into planning of career and education.
Join our team of talented people who are dedicated to setting new standards for service and technology, at a company that was built and is managed by NDT specialists!
The candidates can apply for a job by filling the following form and submitting it to ENKON Human Resources.
Human Resources Application Form