Digital Radiography
Digital Radiography is one of the newest forms of radiographic imaging. Since no film is required, digital radiographic images are captured using either special phosphor screens or flat panels containing micro-electronic sensors. Captured images can be digitally enhanced for increased detail and are easily archived.
- DR for weld quality is allowed by ASME Code.
- DR achieves ASME weld quality sensitivity with significant reductions in exposure times, typically allowing higher production rates than conventional film radiography. Shot reductions are particularly significant on thick welds.
- Radiographs are immediately transferred to the analysis computer when the exposure is complete, allowing rapid radiographic interpretation.
- The complete DR process is paperless, filmless and doesn’t require any development chemicals. There are no waste products with DR.
- All radiographs, analysis and archival is done electronically. Customers can be provided radiographic results in a number of formats depending on requirements, and results are easy to transfer to multiple people.
- Radiographs are digitally archived, allowing for easy and rapid auditing.
- Standard radiographic limitations.
- The DR is rigid, so cannot be “bent” around welds as film and CR plates can.
ENKON employs a wide array of digital radiographic systems to solve specific industrial problems. Thickness profiles of piping systems, both insulated and uninsulated, are performed using computed radiography, while large production runs of smaller parts are inspected using direct radiography. Real time radiography is utilized for large “real time” inspections of insulated piping systems looking for areas of pipe degradation.